PFTP got into Crafty Wonderland to sell our jams, juices, ciders, and more! Help us get our fruity products and brands in front of thousands of cool P...view event
Join us as we care for the Parkrose Orchard! This space is a young orchard of well-cared-for trees, with lots of different varieties of fruit and nati...view event
PFTP got into Crafty Wonderland to sell our jams, juices, ciders, and more! Help us get our fruity products and brands in front of thousands of cool P...view event
Help us care for this great community orchard! Gabriel Community Orchard is located next to the Community Garden and has more than 30 mature fruit tre...view event
Participate in the care of this community orchard resource through joining monthly work parties!
If you're able to come, please bring personal pruning...view event